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Please rest assured that your privacy is important to us. Our privacy policies are applied to our customers, vendors and employees.

The Site may present you with opportunities to request information from Hollandia. Information submitted to us will be used solely for the purpose of replying to your request. Information collected will not be sold or distributed to third parties. Hollandia takes all reasonable precautions to ensure personal information is kept safe from loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.

Among the steps taken to protect personal information are: premises security; restricted file access; technological safeguards like security software and fire walls; and internal password and security policies.

If you have any privacy questions, or wish to access your personal information, please write to our privacy officer:

Joop De Voest Jr., President
Hollandia Bakeries Limited

P.O. Box 100
Mt. Brydges, Ontario
N0L 1W0
